Whispers and Words

Whisper in my ear.

Tell me all the depraved things you want to do to me.

Tell me how you would use my body for your pleasure.
Send shivers down my spine.

Make my skin prickle with excitement.

My mind can’t help but immediately picture these things.

But not only do I see them. I feel them.
You have no idea what they fucking do to me.

Your words. Fuck.
Your words.

I can feel the heat radiate through my body,
Without even touching me you could make my eyes flutter.

Your WORDS have so much more power than you think.

They can topple empires.
Move mountains.

But most importantly.
They can make someone’s knees weak.

Story time… 

Someone I cared deeply about and hoped for more with was also someone who couldn’t give me care or more.

I was accepting his bare minimum, hanging onto every fucking word turning them into hopes, hopes that kept getting crushed.

I do deserve better treatment and not just from him or anyone else.

I deserve to treat myself better first. 

By accepting less I was teaching myself and others how to treat me.

I give big and I love hard but I also didn’t realize how little I was giving and loving my own self.

So how could anyone else reciprocate all that I give when I didn’t really believe I was worthy of my own reciprocation.

Why do I let them?

I don’t have room for less only more and it starts with me.

Anyone willing to go toe to toe with me must also give big and love hard to themselves and to me. 

And that, my dear self, is my promise to you đź’žđź’«.

It Goes Both Ways

If she trusts you enough to be on her knees for you, you should be willing to do the same.

Your little slut. Your bitch. Your whore. She trusts and loves you so deeply that she lets all of herself go.

She releases and becomes nothing just to feel something and gives you complete control.

Take care of her. Bathe her. Rub her feet. Make sure she eats. Make sure she is healthy. Happy. Satisfied.

Everyone’s version of happy, satisfied, and healthy is different (obvs) but take care of your other.

I know that I say “she” but this applies to all or no genders and everything in between. Take care of your person. Don’t watch them slip away.


For most of my life I have fought to not need. To stand on my own and sail through life with gratitude and grace. I have watched people who need someone in their life so badly that they accepted substandard treatment from their partner.

Boy was/am I the owner of a glass mansion.

Over the last few months I have been really seeking my own truth. The nuts and bolts of the who I am and why I do the things I do. This is an exercise on where I fit in life and lifestyle.

What I am finding is that I need to feel accepted by those I am engaged with…I know a huge shocker. This is with all levels of engagement. I am needy like a child.

Wanting to be known. Heard. Understood. Then when it comes to a partner, the sexual side can be part of it.

What is missing for this sapio/demisexual person is the cultivation of the heart and mind. My physical body responds to the mental and emotional energy given and received. I need this.

Damn it I am needy.

Come sit with me a while

Let’s listen to the world turn.
Let’s snuggle in together.
And watch rubbish TV.
Let’s have a duvet day.
You and me.

I can see we both need it.
I can see we both try.
But we never just sit.
And watch the world go by.

So come snuggle in with me.
Let’s just sit for a while.
Let’s listen to the world as it turns.
Lets sit and watch the fire, watch it as it burns.
See the flames are dancing
As they flicker up to the sky.
Now is the time we are peaceful.

Now is the time we watch the world go by.

So come and sit with me a while.
Let’s just take a breath.
This world is sometimes messy.
Let’s give our heads a rest.


Listen to me.
Listen to the words I don’t say anymore.
See the words in my eyes, see the words written across my sad face.

Listen to me.
Listen to the feelings I don’t have anymore.
Miss the feelings that we don’t share, miss the feelings we can’t feel.

Listen to me.
Listen to the touch I don’t give anymore.
Feel the space and emptiness, feel the touch we no longer have.

See me.
See who I am.
See what I want.
See what I need.

Don’t keep me on mute.